Board Members
We’re a diverse group of people who volunteer as servant leaders for the Austin Galano Club community.​

Greg R
he, him, his
President / Communications
Having spent most of my life outside of the U.S, I landed in Texas in 2013. Since then, I have called Austin “home” and the Galano Club is a central reason why. Through the help of the incredible fellowship and welcoming recovery meetings at Galano, I have been sober since June 2018. Some of my most cherished friendships started in the coffee bar area or the patio outside. Countless other memories of laughter, joy, and love have been with folks I have met at Galano. It is truly a magical place that saved my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to help give back what was so freely given to me.
Board Term: 2023-2025

David M
he, him, his
Vice-President, Education/Outreach & Group Liason​
In the fall of 1999, I began my recovery journey after recently moving to Austin. Like many, I found, “. . . the result was nil until we let go absolutely.” I have had continuous sobriety since April 14, 2013. In February 2017, I made my re-entry into Lambda. I had heard and read, “RARELY HAVE we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.” That simple quote resonated with me and I have worked to grow my sobriety through the recovery, unity, and service. With the advancements in the LGBTQIA+ community, we still need a space inclusive and safe that allows an individual the time to find oneself. The Austin Galano Club does and continues to provide a safe space for those new in recovery or have some time. I am grateful to be of service to the place which has given me many opportunities to grow and learn.
Board Term: 2024-2026

John F
he, him, his
I’m a native Austinite, born and mostly raised here since 1972, living just around the corner from the Austin Galano Club when I was born. Who knew my recovery home would bring me back to the neighborhood. I worked in bars and nightclubs in my teens and twenties, got in trouble with the law and found myself sobered up in 1997 thanks to the remarkable people in Lambda Live and Let Live. In 2011, several of us got together and came up with the idea of the Austin Galano Club, communicated out to the community to see if there was broad interest, and invited groups to participate. It’s humbling to see what the club has become, the lives touched and the myriad groups who now call Austin Galano Club home. I served on the original AGC board from 2011 thru 2017 and I’m grateful to get to serve the community again.
Board Term: 2024-2026

Adam W
he, him, his
I joined Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in November 2022, seeking a path to recovery after years of struggling with alcohol addiction. Acknowledging the need for change and support, I took the difficult but courageous step of reaching out to the AA community at the Galano Club in order to reclaim control over my life. Through the 12-step program, I have found strength, camaraderie, and a renewed sense of hope. By embracing the principles of AA and working through the challenges of recovery, I have lived a life of "progress and not perfection" and have steadily built a foundation of sobriety, personal growth, and resilience.
Board Term: 2025-2027

Derek H.
he, him, his
Co-Chair for IT Webmaster &
Education & Outreach
I’ve been in Austin since I was 6 months old and have seen a lot of change in Austin and even more in me. I’ve been coming to the Lambda Live and Let Live group off and on since 2007, which is one of the many groups housed here at Galano. My sobriety date is 5/30/2011 and since then I got to see Galano grow from an idea to what it is today after Lambda moved into and helped it open. The Welcome Home sign in the big room means exactly what it says as it was at that time Lambda became my home group. Coming here to Galano has given me the ability to not only get sober, stay sober, but it also helped me to fully come to accept my homosexuality. It’s also instilled in me the rewards of service. I couldn’t be more proud to now serve on the Galano board.
Board Term: 2023-2025

Jayne N.
she, her, hers
Originally from New Orleans, I moved to Austin in 1987 to live with my sister and sober up. It’s been an incredible journey ever since my sobriety date of April 17, 1987. I’m extremely grateful for my home group of Women in Solutions group and for all the other welcoming AA, Al-Anon, ACA and CODA meetings I attended in Austin, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and New Orleans over the years. Without 12-step programs, my higher power and good therapists, I wouldn’t have the strong, loving relationships with my family and friends, a 28-year career in public health or my sanity. In the past, I had the privilege of serving on the Women in Solutions, Lamda Live and Let Live, and Austin Round Up steering committees. I look forward to serving on the Austin Galano Club board to help keep the club a welcoming and safe place for people of all stripes to find and maintain recovery.
Board Term: 2025-2027

Mara R.
she, her, hers
Austin Galano Club Manager
I am originally from Illinois near St. Louis, Mo. I was a jockey and racehorse exerciser for over a decade. I managed a string of racehorses for a trainer for two years in Indiana, Kentucky, and Arkansas. I moved to Austin, Texas, in August of 2022 to get clean and sober. After building a fantastic support system,
including the Galano Club, I moved to Austin permanently for my now 10-month-old daughter and me. I am thrilled to join this journey as Galano’s first club manager.

Kenny K.
he, him, his
Facilities & Co-Treasurer
I grew up in a small town outside of Austin and moved here in middle school, and have pretty much always considered Austin home. I got sober in 2021 and zoom meetings at the Galano club while I was in treatment were a huge part of that. Sobriety has gifted me with so much and I am very happy to do whatever I can to give back, especially to the place that helped me get here. In my free time you will probably find me with my wonderful partner and her adorable daughter.
Board Term: 2024-2026

Andy B
he, him, his
I was introduced to Alcoholics Anonymous for the first time while in treatment in Kerrville, TX. It wasn't until I moved to Austin, though, and made it my home, that I found recovery. I started attending meetings at the Galano Club in November of 2018 after leaving treatment. Since then it has been a constant through my journey in sobriety. My sobriety date is September 6, 2020. Along the way, I've shared tears, laughter, and fellowship with other travelers, many of whom are now dear friends. It brings great joy to me to be of service to the AA community and the community I live in. I currently volunteer as a Yoga Teacher for inmates in Travis County Correctional, as a Teacher's assistant teaching High School kids to learn how to code, and as a "barista" at the Galano Coffee Bar. I have a 23-year-old daughter, have two dogs in my care, and work as a Data Engineering Manager. I am a proud ally and look forward to serving the Galano community in any way I can.
Board Term: 2024-2026