Children of Chaos

... a band of ego-driven individualists. Children of Chaos, we have defiantly played with every brand of fire, only to emerge unharmed and, we think, wiser.
(quoted from Tradition Four, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, AA World Services, Inc.)
Here at Children of Chaos, we attempt to maintain a tradition of free expression, and conduct a meeting where alcoholics may express any doubts or disbeliefs they may have, and to share their own form of spiritual experience, their search for it, or their rejection of it. We do not endorse nor oppose atheism or any form of religion.
Our only wish is to assure suffering alcoholics that they can find sobriety in A.A. without having to accept anyone else’s beliefs or having to deny their own.
In our personal stories, you will find a wide variation in the way the tellers approach and conceive of a power that is greater than themselves. Whether we agree with a particular approach or conception seems to make little difference. Experience has taught us that these are matters about which, for our purpose, we need not be worried. They are questions for individuals to settle for themselves.
The Children of Chaos group of Alcoholics Anonymous is not affiliated with Austin Galano Club in accordance with the 6th tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Meetings every weekday at noon. All our meetings are open.
All Children of Chaos meetings are Hybrid meetings (both in-person in the Large room and on Zoom). Join Zoom Meeting