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Psychedelics in Recovery


The Austin Galano Club is open for in-person meetings. Psychedelics in Recovery provides a

regularly scheduled in-person meeting on first Tuesday of each month 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Psychedelics in Recovery

©2018-2021 Psychedelics in Recovery Fellowship

All Rights Reserved

Psychedelics in Recovery is a 12-step fellowship of people from all 12-step programs and other paths of recovery who share our experience, strength and hope with each other. Our primary purpose is to pursue recovery and help others do the same, as defined by the individual. The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from our addictive behaviors and/or an interest in psychedelics as an aid to our process of recovery.

Our members either have had prior experience with, or are interested in, integrating the intentional use of psychedelics and/or plant medicines into our spiritually-oriented program. Psychedelics in Recovery is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. We do not sell or promote the use of any substances. This is a safe space in which we can openly discuss the role of psychedelics in our individual recovery journeys. While psychedelics are not considered inherently addictive, we practice mindfulness and accountability around the intentions we carry in the utilization of these medicines.

We recognize that some in recovery may form addictive patterns with anything that induces altered states. If we find we are using these experiences in self-destructive ways or as a means to escape or avoid, we practice rigorous honesty with ourselves and trusted others in order to promptly restore a healthy recovery process.

Psychedelic medicines are not legal or decriminalized in many places. In order to protect PIR, we did not use this meeting or parking lot to source medicines - which we define sourcing as seeking, selling, or advertising them. Be prepared to say 'no'; to anyone attempting to source from you.

We do not use this space to recommend retreat centers or individuals. Therefore, during your share, you may say what medicines you've done and in what context, but please do not mention the name of any facility or people you journeyed with. Please do not promote yourself as a facilitator. Additionally, this meeting is not affiliated with the Within Center, or any other psychedelic facility in Austin.  PIR aspires not to glorify psychedelics as a "magic pill" solution. Before you do any medicine work, we recommend you do your research. The "Cares and Considerations" document on the PIR website is a great place to start.

Steering Committee

Trusted servants are directly responsible to those they serve and are bound to honor the group conscience decision making process and uphold those decisions concerning their service work. (The Fellowship Service Manual of Co-Dependents Anonymous Approved CSC 2015)

GSR Co-Chair
Sam H.
GSR Co-Chair
Cheryl S.


6809 Guadalupe St
Austin, TX 78752

Hours of operation:

Mon-Fri   11:00 AM - 01:30 PM

                 05:30 PM - 09:30 PM

Sat-Sun    09:30 AM - 09:30 PM

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