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Virtual Meetings

Galano has virtual equipment to help facilitate hybrid virtual meetings that will include both members at the club and those who want to participate at home.


Please contact if you or your group would like to donate money or contribute to the continuing costs of providing this technology, or would like your meeting hosted on the Galano Zoom Room Schedule.


If you have any questions, please contact


Below is a list of the groups at Austin Galano Club that still offer virtual meetings either online only or hybrid format. Click on the group name on the calendar below to see the contact information for that group and a link to the virtual meeting.


We do not maintain the passwords for the individual virtual meetings. If we have been given a password for the meeting, it will be in the calendar description. If no password is given, you will need to contact the group’s representative, their contact info is also in the calendar event description

6809 Guadalupe St
Austin, TX 78752


Hours of operation:

Mon-Fri   11:00 AM - 01:30 PM

                 05:30 PM - 09:30 PM

Sat-Sun    09:30 AM - 09:30 PM

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